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Dr. Franklin Ruehl, Ph.D.

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Is Bigfoot Possibly an Alien Entity?

Posted: 06/07/2012 6:12 pm

Rather than being a missing link between man and the apes, Bigfoot may possibly be an alien entity. This intriguing possibility is derived from evidence in several solid UFO cases.

The earliest clues date back to 1888, when a cattleman described an encounter with friendly Indians in Humboldt County, California. They led him to a cave where he saw a hefty humanoid creature covered in long, shiny black hair, with no neck, sitting cross-legged.

One Indian told him three of these "Crazy Bears" had been cast out of a small moon that dropped from the sky and landed.The "moon" then ascended back into the air. So it's highly likely the "Crazy Bears" were really Bigfoots, and the "moon," a spacecraft.

Now fast-forward almost 100 years to 1973... and Mrs. Reafa Heitfield. She and her 13-year-old son were sleeping in a trailer in Cincinnati, Ohio on the morning of October 21. Reafa arose at 2:30 a.m. to quench her thirst, and noticed strange lights in the adjoining parking lot. Looking out the window, her attention was drawn, in particular, to an inexplicable cone of light, shaped like a huge bubble umbrella -- about seven feet in diameter.

Nearby she spotted a grayish, ape-like creature with a large, downward angled snout, no neck and a sizable waist. Moving slowly, it then entered into the light. About five minutes later, both apeman and UFO disappeared.

Another dramatic incident occurred a few days later on October 25, 1973. A group of farmers in Fayette County, Pennsylvania caught sight of a dome-shaped UFO that was brightly lit and about 100 feet in diameter. As the locals drove toward it, they saw a pair of gargantuan creatures covered with thick, matted hair, luminescent green eyes and long arms that dangled below their knees.

A farmer's son fired a gun shot at the creatures, one of which raised its right hand in the air. At that very moment, the UFO disappeared. Then, the two Bigfoots escaped into the woods and were never seen again.

Dairy farmer William Bosak of Frederic, Wisconsin was returning from a co-op meeting about 10:30 p.m. on December 9, 1974, when he nearly slammed into a globular UFO on the road in front of him, its bottom half enshrouded in fog.

Inside the visible transparent dome was a six-foot-tall ape-like creature with reddish-brown fur covering its body (except for the face) and distinctive pointed ears. It appeared to be operating a control panel. As Bosak passed by, the object suddenly arose and disappeared.

In August,1976, after a series of UFO sightings around Rutland, British Columbia, Canada, several men and their children saw a hairy ape-like entity, six to seven feet tall roaming about a mountainside. They also found a clump of hair that was sent to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for identification. Laboratory analysis confirmed it was primate hair, but, significantly, it could not be matched to any known species on earth!

Perhaps the Bigfoot creatures are UFO pilots, landing on earth for exploratory purposes. Or, conceivably, higher level ETs are leaving behind some specimens as "guinea pigs" to test our environment for long-term survival. Or, possibly,these Bigfoots are criminal entities being deposited on Earth as a form of cosmic deportation!

See a related intriguing video here.


Follow Dr. Franklin Ruehl, Ph.D. on Twitter: www.twitter.com/drruehl

Rather than being a missing link between man and the apes, Bigfoot may possibly be an alien entity. This intriguing possibility is derived from evidence in several solid UFO cases. The earliest clue...
Rather than being a missing link between man and the apes, Bigfoot may possibly be an alien entity. This intriguing possibility is derived from evidence in several solid UFO cases. The earliest clue...
#ShoutOut to Bigfoot... I know you out there somewhere...
Divisan a “Bigfoot” en Ohio. | Ve vídeo. http://t.co/1ATS9Q3x
Some Hoe Below would let Bigfoot Nut on her face for tickets to an Usher concert
RT : “: “: If you think slenderman is real you deserve to get attacked” by bigfoot” or hatchet man
: “: If you think slenderman is real you deserve to get attacked” by bigfoot” or hatchet man
: If you think slenderman is real you deserve to get attacked” by bigfoot
#OOMF just made cause she as big as #BigFoot lol
"It needs a bug face, a Bigfoot body, and angel wings." - April, discussing possible Halloween costumes
RT : Lmao she called her Bigfoot 😂😭
RT : Lmao she called her Bigfoot 😂😭
If youre really out looking for bigfoot.. Juust shoot yourself. Right now
Lmao she called her Bigfoot 😂😭
♥ #BigFoot (si vieran sus dimensiones sabrian porque lo digo) http://t.co/rXuyWVbN
jajaja yeah :B ya sabes de lo que dicen de los de pie grande :B jajaja :bigfoot:
Our kids r going to have huge ass feet! #bigfoot #bigfeet #converse #chucks http://t.co/gJRNx2km
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10:12 PM on 07/31/2012
None of us know a damn thing..Just enjoy the stories, laugh at the obvious fairty tales,and wonder..Damn...people just love arguing
07:37 AM on 07/09/2012
Sure, bigfoot and UFOs are alien - but that begs the question, what is alien?

Since no alien or bigfoot has ever been captured, one may assume that such entities are transitory, existing only as shapeshifting plasmaforms or hallucinations electromagnetically induced from archetypes previously existing in the human mind.

Respectfully submitted,
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03:08 PM on 06/19/2012
I think we're in Spaghetti Monster territory here. We can't prove it's not true........
01:58 PM on 06/15/2012
Rules for sighting Big Foot: 1 You can not have a weapon with you. It seems that Big Foot has never been sighted by someone who was armed. 2 If you take a camera be sure it is a cheap one that takes really bad pictures. All pic's of Big Foot are bad and grainey ect. 3 Never look for Big Foot during Hunting season. Big Foot has never ever been sighted by anyone during Hunting season when one might be armed and besides you might get shot by a real hunter.
12:15 PM on 06/15/2012
According to several mini-documentaries I've seen, they are here for our delicious beef jerky products.
04:26 PM on 06/13/2012
Say what you wish about this story, but on the subject of bigfoot, I love when non informed people debate the creature's existence. They always argue that mainstream scientist's say withought a shadow of a doubt that it does not exist..... Name 5 of them. Funny, I can name at least 10 anthropologists, and or primatologists who say it is almost a foregone conclusion. (paraphrasing) Yet, I doubt any of you desk jockeys can name just one legitimate scientist who discounts the possibility. ( I can also name a few of the non's ) Not to mention the thousands of reputable sightings by law enforcement, or game wardens. Plus thousands of years of cave paintings, stories, legends, totems, etc.. From cultures from around the world that had no contact with each other. So please keep sitting there in judgement because you have done some actual research I'll bet. I doubt it, but who am I to judge?
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03:06 PM on 06/19/2012
OK then Matt, where are they mate? Why hasn't one ever been caught?
07:10 PM on 06/19/2012
How would YOU, go about catching one? Just curious...
There are worse things than
02:10 PM on 06/26/2012
Its amazing how many skeptics end up posting comments in the UFO section. Great post Matt
Jamie Kowalski
01:20 PM on 06/12/2012
Or there could just not be a bigfoot?
09:11 PM on 06/11/2012
Where is the debate here of Bigfoot even existing? Here its just accepted, lmao.
Started outgrowing conservatism after age 40
03:27 PM on 06/10/2012
"A farmer's son fired a gun shot at the creatures, one of which raised its right hand in the air."

What is up with these yahoos that shoot at anything that moves?
Just because they have the power does not make the
12:07 PM on 06/10/2012
Could be. The one I saw looked like a Wokee sans the ammo belt.
01:54 AM on 06/10/2012
I strongly believe that alien life exists and in the possibility they have been here before, but who ever wrote this story please lay off the acid or pcp or w.e it is you journalist take today. Its stories like this that make it impossible for people to think outside the box.
11:37 PM on 06/09/2012
Anyone see that episode of Ancient Aliens with Bigfoot?
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07:00 PM on 06/09/2012
What a great story. It not only confirms the existence of Bigfoot but aliens as well. Proof beyond any doubt. ;-)
02:17 PM on 06/09/2012
The Interdimensional Sasquatch - http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2010/07/readers-respond-interdimensional.html - Maybe we’ll discover beyond a doubt where the truth lies in reference to Sasquatch. We may actually kill several birds with one stone if or when we do find the answers to our questions. There may be a grand connection between all the mysteries in our world...possibly involving other worlds or dimensions as well. Mankind may be the greatest mystery of all and the reason why Sasquatch, extraterrestrials, spirits, etc. seem to be as fascinated with us as we are with them.
09:55 PM on 06/08/2012
If Earth is the aliens' 'Australia' then it would be fitting then to call them Australopithecus, if nothing more than to appease the scientists who've been racking their brains for all these years trying to figure out this riddle. Sadly though, most of the data above is gathered from that inherently damaged and unreliable source that is the human experience.
03:02 AM on 06/11/2012